* Executive coaching. How sharp are the management skills that you use to lead your business?

* Behavioral & Attitude Assessments as used in the candidate evaluation/performance review process.

* Customer satisfaction surveys. Show them you care.

* Employee morale surveys. Slow down wasteful employee turnover.

* Executive search projects.

* Career planning assessment for students. 70% of us are in careers we would no longer choose!

* Salary Surveys. Are you paying both fair AND competitive?

* Sales force sales skill testing. Does he have (& are you paying for?) the knowledge of a professional salesperson?

* People buy from people they 'like', but what do they 'like'? D.I.S.C. based customer blending training for sales professionals.

* Sales Training Seminar. 50 sales closes. Close more often, make more profit.

* Employee Handbook template. (All provinces except Quebec). Lawyer reviewed. 70 subject headings.

* Company Manual. 225 Ontario lawyer reviewed topic templates to ensure organizational clarity in your business.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Selling successfully to the friendly, outgoing buyer…. 
(AKA a ‘high I buyer).

 (Part 2 of 4).

Statements that Influence the High I buyer….
*   “Looking at the comparisons I’ve made will help you decide which approach is better.”
*   “You will want to delegate some of these tasks to others since your time is valuable.”
*   “Many people recognize the need. You would be the first person to recognize that. However, one individual has to lead the way, and I’m sure they can rely on your judgment.”
*   “By combining this idea with what you are presently doing, you have a combination for future profits, and you will be building on your present success.”
*   “You’ll want to try something that provides you an opportunity to expand your present operation.”
*   “This is an overall summary, which will be helpful for you to see the feasibility of the program.”
*   “It’s the kind of program that utilizes your skills in working with an innovative idea.”

 Presentation Tips:

*   Spare the details; they will not want to hear them.
*   The buyer will often buy easily from you with only a minimum presentation. But beware! The competition can steal the buyer away from you just as easily. So give plenty of follow-up service.
*   The buyer will be interested in new and innovative products. They will try almost anything under the right circumstances.
*   The buyer will want to talk a lot, socialize, etc. Buy him lunch or a cup of coffee and you’ll have him sold.
*   Eliminate lots of details. Just hit the high points. Show him new products, socialize and provide plenty of follow-up.

Working with you.
Chris Wilkinson.                              
Certified Business Behaviour & Attitudes Analyst.               
Business Coach.
Tel: (905) 275-2907 (Mississauga).

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