* Executive coaching. How sharp are the management skills that you use to lead your business?

* Behavioral & Attitude Assessments as used in the candidate evaluation/performance review process.

* Customer satisfaction surveys. Show them you care.

* Employee morale surveys. Slow down wasteful employee turnover.

* Executive search projects.

* Career planning assessment for students. 70% of us are in careers we would no longer choose!

* Salary Surveys. Are you paying both fair AND competitive?

* Sales force sales skill testing. Does he have (& are you paying for?) the knowledge of a professional salesperson?

* People buy from people they 'like', but what do they 'like'? D.I.S.C. based customer blending training for sales professionals.

* Sales Training Seminar. 50 sales closes. Close more often, make more profit.

* Employee Handbook template. (All provinces except Quebec). Lawyer reviewed. 70 subject headings.

* Company Manual. 225 Ontario lawyer reviewed topic templates to ensure organizational clarity in your business.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

selling statements to motivate your highly cautious, analytical buyer….(ie; reduce the transactional friction)

  1. There has been a great amount of input into this product that ensures it’s quality….. (ie: well researched).

  1. Once you have taken the time to examine the facts, you will see that this is the correct decision purchase for you….(ie: provide full factual analysis).

  1. You are in a position to examine the facts. Complete the analysis, interpret and draw your own conclusion….(ie: no pressure from me…prove for yourself).

  1. With a purchase decision as important as this, let’s set up several appointments where we can examine all the alternatives….. (ie; NO rush on this. NO fast , hard close).

  1. I have brought along all the information that you will need to thoroughly investigate the product and determine if it is right for you…(.ie: make sure you have leave behinds).

  1. My other clients found this to be the perfect solution to their problem. With your emphasis on standards, you will probably find this fits in well….. (ie: likes testimonials).

  1. You can see that our warranty eliminates any risk on your part. We stand behind the product 100%….. (ie; remove the FEAR of  buyer error).

  1. This is a proven product, having been out on the market for many years, so you know that you have something that you can rely on…… (ie: likes ‘tried & true’).

People BUY from (sales) people they like. People like to BUY from people like themselves.
“Birds of a feather flock together” …..ie; behave like your customer.

Working with you.
Chris Wilkinson.                              
Certified Business Behaviour & Attitudes Analyst.               
Business Coach.
Tel: (905) 275-2907 (Mississauga).
E-mail: buspilot@bell.net