* Executive coaching. How sharp are the management skills that you use to lead your business?

* Behavioral & Attitude Assessments as used in the candidate evaluation/performance review process.

* Customer satisfaction surveys. Show them you care.

* Employee morale surveys. Slow down wasteful employee turnover.

* Executive search projects.

* Career planning assessment for students. 70% of us are in careers we would no longer choose!

* Salary Surveys. Are you paying both fair AND competitive?

* Sales force sales skill testing. Does he have (& are you paying for?) the knowledge of a professional salesperson?

* People buy from people they 'like', but what do they 'like'? D.I.S.C. based customer blending training for sales professionals.

* Sales Training Seminar. 50 sales closes. Close more often, make more profit.

* Employee Handbook template. (All provinces except Quebec). Lawyer reviewed. 70 subject headings.

* Company Manual. 225 Ontario lawyer reviewed topic templates to ensure organizational clarity in your business.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

 Overcoming Your Fear Of Sales Rejection

When I present sales training workshops, I often hear a variety of reasons for not following up opportunities that emerged at networking events. Here are some examples:
§                       I don't want to seem too pushy
§                       I'm too busy
§                       I struggle to pick up the phone
§                       If they want my services, they'll call
§                       I keep meaning to do it, but somehow or other, don’t get round to it
§                       I've lost their card
§                       I'm not sure how they're going to react to me
§                       I'm not really certain that I'm going to get anything out of it
§                       I can't deliver what I thought I could
§                       I'm not sure what to say
§                       I've heard something adverse about them
§                       I fear a no
All sales training courses say the same about these reasons: they are driven by the sales person's key fear of rejection! That means, if any of the above reasons apply to you, you're normal! That’s a good start, isn't it!

10 Likely Consequences Of Not Making The Call

If you have agreed to call someone to follow up a networking event, and youdon't call on the agreed date, the consequences are:
1.                  The prospect will assume you don't want his/her business. "Well, he was a waste of time."
2.                  You are unreliable. The prospect will think "If he can't be relied on at this part of our relationship what are things going to be like if I did become a client?"
3.                  You can't be trusted. You promised to call and you broke your promise.
4.                  Your reputation will be tarnished. That in itself is bad enough but you are representing others, i.e. your company. Their reputation will also be tarnished. This is a serious consequence. If you are the first person they have met from your business the whole of the company will be judged on the way you behaved. Unprofessional, unreliable, untrustworthy, the list goes on. You have one massive responsibility when you are out there representing your company.
5.                  You are actually rejecting the prospect; now that is bad for business.
6.                  You'll NEVER know what you might have gained from the prospect and from their referrals.
7.                  It’s probably worse than not having met the person in the first place.
8.                  You'll create a negative multiplier: the prospect may well tell others
9.                  Your credibility is lost
10.             If you meet again, how are you going to feel?

Destroying Your Fears

When you hesitate calling - consider:
§                       You PROMISED to call her
§                       You are simply continuing the conversation you were having last week.
§                       She is expecting your call.
§                       She has agreed to take your call.
§                       You actually met eyeball to eyeball at the exhibition
§                       You were given the distinct impression that she does have an interest in your services.
§                       You believe (I hope) that what you are offering will substantially benefit her business.
§                       You can clearly demonstrate those benefits quickly and easily.
§                       Your service or product at least matches the best there is in the marketplace
§                       You are able to support your claim with proof of other clients results and/or testimonials
§                       You spent all that time with her and you are not going to let it go to waste
§                       You believe, after you have helped solve the initial issue, there could there be an ongoing relationship leading to a substantial follow on sales

Some Final Thoughts

You don't like to hear the word no. But no is the second best answer there is. Not knowing where you stand is the worst position to be in.
What’s the worst that’s going to happen?
The very worst is she does not want your service or product. And actually says she has changed her mind. Calamity! A crisis: you have been rejected. No you have not; only the offer of your help has been rejected.

On to the next prospect!
Chris Wilkinson.                              
Certified Business Behaviour & Attitudes Analyst.               
Business Coach.
Tel: (905) 275-2907 (Mississauga).
E-mail: buspilot@bell.net

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